Monday, 20 August 2012

Red Karpitz makes the case for global optimism!

Folks, another guest appearance by my adopted son, baby bro and best friend, Red Karpitz below. This was Red's fourth speech in the Toastmasters' Competent Communicator Series - "C004 How to Say it". And he said it well. Here is the transcript. Enjoy.

The Case for Optimism

Mr Toastmaster, fellow toastmasters and esteemed guests, today, I would like to talk to you about the greatest moral challenge of our lifetime - perhaps the single most important thing that will determine the health and prosperity of this planet.

This moment right here might be the exact moment our children and our children's children, look back upon as the defining point in our history.

Now I know what you are all thinking...not another global warming speech....

Well, you are in luck, because we’ve heard more than enough about global warming at this club.

Today, fellow toastmasters, I will be discussing the need for optimism in a world of negativity.

Swine Flu, Bird Flu, Terrorism, Bioterrorism, SARS. Global Warming, Global Cooling, Climate Change, Deforestation, Genetic Engineering, Housing Bubbles, Multi-Speed economies, Job Losses, Overpopulation....

Australia’s poor performance at the much fear, so much negativity

Is there any wonder so many people struggle to get out of bed in the morning?

The reality is that negativity sells. We’ve been evolutionarily wired that way for survival. Our brains evolved in a hunter-gatherer environment where anything novel, dangerous or dramatic had to be dealt with immediately for survival.

So while we no longer have to spend time looking over our shoulders and guarding ourselves against sabre-toothed tigers, our brains have not yet caught up.

The media make full use of this - it keeps us glued to the news cycle, waiting patiently for our next hit of drama. Governments also exploit our fears as we gleefully give up our liberties for a little bit of supposed security.

But deadly and dire predictions are all too common. Running out of resources... We’ve heard it all before...Peak oil and peak coal were feared in the 1800s, while global cooling was a concern in the 1970s.

The Earth is 4.54 billion years old and it isn’t going to stop spinning anytime soon.

Without a doubt, negativity is an impediment to personal health and relationships. I am convinced that humans catch emotions - you become the people you most frequently associate with - so spending time with Negative Nancy is going to have an inevitable impact on your health and well-being. Choose your associations wisely - I note in my life I have needed to purge toxic relationships.

Beyond all the doom and gloom, I am in awe of the fact that nearly 7 billion people inhabit this earth.

We’re living longer, eating better, are more educated and wealthier than every generation before.

A third of children born this year in the developed world are expected live  to 100 years old.

Equally importantly, we are more connected than ever before - The prosperity we have enjoyed over the past few hundred years has moved the western world beyond scarcity for basic needs and provided the opportunity for individuals and groups to evaluate the sustainability of the lifestyles they lead. My only hope is that these new communities grow organically - that is, without force or coercion.

The reality is that I do not know what the future holds and I think you should be very wary of anyone who suggests that that they do.

However, if history is any guide, we are going to be okay. Sure, debts that can't be paid won't be paid, and that which is unsustainable will not be sustained.

There have been constant predictions of a bleak future throughout human history that haven’t come true. Our lives have improved dramatically—in terms of lifespan, nutrition, literacy and wealth, I expect this to trend to continue, in ways we can’t even begin to imagine.

Is the world perfect? No, far from it, but I suspect that is why we gather here each week, to develop our selves in order to become the change we want to see in the world.

I challenge you critically review the relationships you have made in your life and steer well clear of Debbie Downers - your health and wellbeing depend on it.

I also challenge you to throw away the newspaper and turn off the TV - Let’s rise above fear and negativity.

For the future belongs to the optimists - And I envision a future so bright....
we will all need sunglasses.

Thank you.